It’s The ‘Blurred Lines’ And ‘Growing Pains’ Mashup We All Knew Was Coming


While some people believe that the lyrics are a tad misogynistic and “rapey,” there’s no denying that Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines” has been loved by millions of people, as it remains No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 for the 13th week. And while it also may be old to many people, thanks in part to those RadioShack ads playing every five minutes, it was still ripe for a Growing Pains theme song mashup. But is it better than The Cosby Show mashup? That’s the real question.

Robin, of course, is the son of Growing Pains star Alan Thicke, and… you’re not even reading this anymore. You’re just singing along with the Growing Pains theme song, aren’t you? That’s fine, I am, too.

(Via Vulture)