‘Breaking Bad’s Final Two Episodes Will Be ‘Extra Long’

In a blatant attempt to pack in as many Talking Bad promos (#IAmTheOneWhoCravesTacoBell) before everyone unanimously changes the channel when Low Winter Sun begins, the final two episodes of AMC’s Breaking Bad will be supersized, clocking in at 75 minutes, as opposed to the regular 55, plus five extra minutes of shouting.

According to a recent tweet from writer-producer Peter Gould, the series’ final two episodes will be “extra long,” running past their standard hour length. (TV Guide has the episodes at 75 minutes.)

Gould tweeted the info in response to a question about the length of the final episode. The news should be a pleasant surprise for Breaking Bad diehards, many of whom are still reeling from the emotional onslaught of Sunday’s brutal episode, “Ozymandias.” (Via)

But without all the Hank scowls, how is Vince Gilligan going to pad out the episodes? Also, if the Emmys, which is on at the same time this Sunday as Breaking Bad (and the Dexter series finale), could air their sure-to-be-ludicrous tribute to Cory Monteith from 9-10:15 p.m. EST, that would be swell. Producers can even segue from Glee‘s “Don’t Stop Believin'” to The Sopranos‘ James Gandolfini at exactly 10:16:01, and not a second later.
