‘How I Met Your Mother’ From The Mother’s Perspective Makes Ted Seem Like A Big Ol’ Slut

Ted Mosby: man whore. That’s according to the team at the Daily Beast, who put together a compilation of Schmosby’s many sexual exploits over the course of How I Met Your Mother, as told by the Mother to their kids. The video also insinuates that he’s a bad father, but we’ll get to that. As for the slut part: nope.

Someone with a lot of time on their slap-betted-out hands deduced that over a 15-year span, Ted dated 31 women and had sex with 20 of them, including personal favorite Natalia. Those numbers might be a little high, based on false preconceived notions of “right” and “wrong” promiscuity, but they’re not at all unreasonable for a 30-something living in New York City. I’m sure the equally invidious Ross Gellar was nearly as successful in making women regret their life choices, to say nothing of the walking mistake that is Barney Stinson. But we’ll get to that.

As for the bad father part: totally. The only time the words “kids” and “slutty pumpkin” should be in the same sentence together is in the presence of a therapist. But we’ll get to that.
