This Is A Video Of A Baby White Lion Stumbling Around And Trying To Roar

In a move that many industry experts are calling the single most Friday afternoon thing they’ve ever seen, I have decided to post this 21 second video from CBS This Morning of a baby white lion stumbling around with a giant stuffed Eeyore doll on its back and making adorable little barking sounds as it tries to roar.

“This is some Earth-crumblingly Friday afternoon sh*t right here. I mean, look at its little face and paws. I can’t even with anything right now,” said Princeton University’s new media expert, Dr. Epicwin Von Scientist.

The government’s top web official, Secretary of the Internet Lulz Pwned, agreed, saying “Yeah. You could really run this video any day, but the ideal window is sometime between 2-4 p.m. on a Friday. That’s your best shot at winning teh Interwebs heading into the weekend.”