The Sunniest Moments From The ‘It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia’ Season 9 Finale

“The Gang Squashes Their Beefs” felt like more of a purposeful season finale of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia rather than just another installment of dysfunctional hijinks. It was a decent bookend to a remarkably solid ninth season, treating us to callbacks and familiar faces that made this season’s badge series feel especially apropos.

Recurring character rundown: Ryan & Liam McPoyle, Hwang the landlord, Rickety Cricket, Gail the Snail, Bill Ponderosa, and Dave from Happy Endings reprising his afterthought appearance from year’s before. There were plenty of noticeable admissions everyone would have liked to see, but that would have required a rec center to fit them all at this point. I — for one — was really rooting for an appearance from The Lawyer. If there’s any major disappointment thought it’s that Gail the Snail didn’t get salted. With all the food angles I thought that would be a given. Maybe it was just too on the nose.

Before we get to the sunniest moments, we’re awarding Enrico Pallazo with a Season 8 DVD set for his or her consistently above average contributions to these recaps this season (not to mention spectacular commenter name and avatar). Now for the final Sunniest Moments of 2013…

The Gang’s daily life is haunted by beefs all over town, including with soon-to-be video store moguls, The McPoyles.

Absolutely LOVE that they had a video store viability discussion the day Blockbuster died.

So The Gang decides to squash their beefs over a symbolic Thanksgiving dinner that is taken very literally.

And contracts will be signed for all the obvious reasons.

Heart your unchecked sociopathy, Dennis

Dancing to make the mood less awkward, anyone?

Unfortunately Frank is not on board with all the beef squashing.

A Thanksgiving food fight between the people whose lives The Gang has ruined ends poorly… for Cricket. Because of course it does. Should have given away that working eyeball. 

And the entire series is summed up in the closing scene of Season 9.

See you back here for Season 10, you jabronis.