Emmy Rossum Has A Dirty Mind, Is Easily Distracted By Sexy Hot Dog Slogans

Emmy Rossum was on Conan last night to promote Shameless, and she may have revealed a little more about herself than she intended.

After Conan played a short clip from the show (in which she exhibits some impressive road rage), Rossum told a real life story about the time she became distracted while driving behind a hot dog truck with suggestive signage.

Well, Conan did a little digging. And thanks to his investigative reporting, we know that truck’s actual slogan isn’t quite as dirty as it was in Emmy’s mind. This is just the kind of thing we’ve come to expect from (and admire about) Ms. Rossum, who is a regular on our annual list of TV actresses you’re most likely to see naked and has even outlined her six rules for onscreen nudity.

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