5-Year-Old Disney Channel Actress Receives Death Threats, Likely Because She Plays The Daughter Of Lesbians

Disney Channel’s Good Luck Charlie is turning into the most controversial show on TV. First, the lesbians drove their Subaru Foresters right into America’s living room, running over any angelic little kids that got their in way. Now comes word that the show’s titular star, Mia Talerico, is receiving death threats, likely because of the aforementioned Indigo Girls-lovers. Talerico is five years old.

Disney star Mia Talerico is learning at a very young age about the dangers of celebrity. Someone posted online death threats against the 5-year-old actress, police said.

The Los Angeles Police Department’s threat management unit is investigating the threats, according to LAPD spokesman Andrew Smith. Police are not disclosing the nature of the threats because of the investigation is “very sensitive,” Smith said. (Via)

And yet no one threatened to kill Dane Cook when he made Good Luck Chuck. Some world, huh?