Bob Costas’ Eyes Are The Latest Casualty Of The Sochi Winter Olympics

Bob Costas is currently battling the effects of pink eye at the Sochi Winter Olympics. Being the professional he is though, Costas is working through the illness to bring you all the wonderful coverage that NBC isn’t editing out of the 2014 Winter Olympics. From UPI:

“Bear with me for a moment as I spare my friends in the press office countless inquiries. I have no choice to go all ‘Peabody and Sherman’ on you for the next couple of nights since I woke up this morning with my left eye swollen shut and just about as red as the old Soviet flag,” he said at the beginning of Thursday’s primetime coverage.

The trouble is that now it seems that the condition has spread into both eyes and it’s showing on national television. The folks over at Twitter certainly noticed and have been having a lot of fun with Bob’s illness:

The Internet is concerned, Bob. Take a day or two off and get this sorted out. In the meantime, if there isn’t a stoned Bob Costas meme by 9:00 am sharp, I’m going to be highly disappointed. And yes, phrasing, I’m aware!

(Images via Lana Berry, Nathan T. Wright, Dave Zirin, Jonathan Biles )