Jason Jones’s ‘Daily Show’ Segment On Russia & Homosexuality Last Night Was F*cking Amazing

Two nights after nearly sparking an international incident with Mikhail Gorbachev, The Daily Show’s Jason Jones continued his crusade of hilarity in Russia to get to the bottom of the most pressing issues during the Winter Olympics. This go round: Russia’s well-documented archaic views on gay rights.

I’ll admit I’m in the tank for Jason Jones remotes before they even start, but this one in particular is a masterpiece, painting a vivid picture of Russia’s backwards social landscape with an expert comedy brush. From sex with a table false analogies to chats with crazy old Russians on the street to drinking with the few members of Russia’s progressive gay community, the world is a better place for it.

Do yourself a favor and dedicate six and a half minutes. And then spend the rest of your week binging on Angel.