Watch The Hilarious Extended Trailer For Mike Judge’s New HBO Show ‘Silicon Valley’

HBO released a new, extended trailer for Silicon Valley over the weekend. If the show ends up being, like, 70% as funny as this 90 second teaser, it is going to be very, very good.

A quick refresher: Silicon Valley is the latest project from Mike Judge, the man behind Beavis & Butthead, King of the Hill, Office Space, and Idiocracy. Here’s the description that accompanied the first teaser clip from a weeks ago.

Richard is an introverted computer programmer living in the Hacker Hostel start-up incubator along with his best friend, Big Head, pompous Gilfoyle and dry-witted Dinesh. These social misfits live under the watch of Erlich, a self-satisfied dotcom millionaire who lets them stay in his house for free — as long as he gets a ten percent stake in their projects.

After a failed pitch to billionaire venture capitalist Peter Gregory, Richard seems destined to remain at his job at the tech company Hooli, founded by the megalomaniacal Gavin Belson. When Monica, Gregory’s head of operations, and Jared, a Hooli executive, realize the value of the site’s compression algorithm, a bidding war erupts between Belson and Gregory, with Richard caught in the middle.

So it’s basically Office Space plus The Social Network, with T.J. Miller as a Lebowski-esque version of Justin Timberlake’s version of Sean Parker? Because, if it is, I can dig that. I can definitely dig that. I can dig that straight through the center of the Earth all the way to China.