The Sochi Stray Dog Nightmare Continues And Keith Olbermann Raises Some Important Questions For NBC

Much has been made of the plans to basically exterminate the stray dogs hanging around the Sochi Olympics occupation area, especially the part where it’s estimated 7,000 have been killed since October. And worse yet, the methods are as cruel as they come, with some dogs dying upwards of 90 minutes after being poisoned.

The sh*tshow that is The Sochi Winter Games marches forward and Keith Olbermann is keeping on this story, bringing up damning point after damning point.

And while it isn’t uncovering the government corruption and world intrigue that you should be getting on networks like CNN, it is hitting the pulse in his neck of the sports woods.

The point that made me really stop and think during this video had nothing to do with the actual deeds being done to the dogs, but instead focuses on how much information is actually going to be reported by the media showcasing the Olympic games.

Will NBC even mention it tomorrow night? Would they have to if one of the terrible dogs managed to make it into a shot during the opening ceremonies tomorrow?

And exactly what do the athletes know? Do they even realize that the dog pictured above was probably rounded up and executed?

Toilet mishaps are one thing, but this is a dark turn of events for an already shadowy event. One has to feel that the nations of the world may look back on these winter games with regret and look forward with more caution.

(Via Keith Olbermann)