Speaking Of Conspiracy Theories, Glenn Beck Thinks God Killed Antonin Scalia For An Election-Related Reason

The death of Antonin Scalia over the weekend sparked many tributes and even more conspiracy theories about the 79-year-old Supreme Court Justice’s death. What’s more, the funeral for the deceased judiciary won’t be held until Saturday — yet many of the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates, their supporters and others involved in the process have paraded the death around like a clarion call for their respective campaigns. Enter supposed Republican naysayer Glenn Beck, who thinks he knows what happened to Scalia, and why.

According to Beck, God killed Scalia on Saturday. Why? So that Republican front-runner Ted Cruz would get elected.

Beck called into his own show, The Glenn Beck Program, on Wednesday to break the theory news to his co-hosts. Per his account, he had thanked the Almighty after hearing the news that Scalia was dead and some of the candidates, including Cruz, were mobilizing to block any possible SCOTUS nominations made by President Barack Obama. That’s when the thought “you’re welcome” came into his mind, and he assumed the thought was God’s response.

The show host then argued that God was trying to tell the American people something very important:

“I just woke the American people up. I took them out of the game show moment and woke enough of them up to say, look at how close your liberty is to being lost. You now have lost your liberty. You replace one guy, and you now have 5-4 decisions in the other direction. Just with this one guy, you’ve lost your liberty. So you’d better elect somebody that’s going to put somebody on [the Supreme Court] because for the next 30 years, if you don’t, the Constitution as you know it… The Constitution is hanging by a thread. That thread has just been cut, and the only way that we survive now is if we have a true constitutionalist.”

In other words, the death of Scalia serves as a warning to the American people from the Judeo-Christian God so many of them believe in. That if they don’t elect the right presidential candidate (i.e. Cruz), then the next Supreme Court justice will take away everyone’s God-given, righteously American liberties.

(Via Huffington Post)