Cupcake Orgy: The Definitive Collection Of Elaborately Themed Cupcakes

Four cupcake shops currently reside within a two mile radius of my house. Four. It’s a ridiculous testament to society’s fascination with food, especially tasty single serving baked goods that lend themselves to being molded into tiny works of edible art. They’re kind of the culinary equivalent to Tumblr.
And while I’ll never understand the motivation behind dedicating a ton of time and energy to a dessert that’s meant to be devoured in seconds, there’s no denying there are some pretty f’n cool photos of cupcakes out there. There’s also no denying people love to share those photos on Flickr and Facebook and Reddit and whatever creepy cupcake and waffle fetish websites are out there that I thankfully have not been exposed to yet.
You may not be able to to partake in the deliciousness, and you may lack the skill to create your own, but the hell if you won’t let your entire social network know you want to have mouth sex with a spaghetti cupcake (next slide).
Speaking of dedicating a ton of time and energy to something meaningless, I’ve compiled every photo of kick ass themed cupcakes I could find on the internet right here, for your sick enjoyment. Uninspired, poorly crafted c-cakes need not apply.
Update: I may have blown my MI6 cover with this piece. They’re gonna be pissed.

If you made it this far I can only assume NSFW doesn’t apply to you.