If You Took A Picture With Bert & Ernie At Comic Con, You May Have Taken A Picture With Justin Timberlake

Are you at Comic Con? Did you happen to take a picture with a “sketchy Bert and Ernie?” Because if you did, you may have unwittingly taken a picture with man’s best friend Justin Timberlake.

Yes, Esquire writer Chris Jones is doing a profile on Timberlake, who apparently came up with the idea for the two of them to go bumping around Comic Con disguised as ambiguously gay Sesame Street characters. Jones made the revelation earlier this afternoon on Twitter.

Ever since I read this I can’t stop laughing over the thought that many of the people in costume at Comic Con are actually celebrities relishing the opportunity to roam free without being hassled for autographs and such. Anyway, if you happened to take a picture with Bert and Ernie at Comic Con, we’d love to see it! (tips at uproxx dot com.) Here’s a wonderful and completely shameless gif that I’ve been dying to post all week to charm you into sending me your Bert and Ernie photos…

Looook at those jiggling buuuuttttts. Now seeeeennnnnd meeee your picccccsssss.