Mark Zuckerberg Is The Most Popular Google+ User

It seems like only last week that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was joining Google+ (probably because it was just last week), and yet he’s now the most followed Google+ user.  Oh, delicious.  According to the Google+ Statistics counter, the Z-berg has more followers than Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin; Google employees Vic Gundotra, Bradley Horowitz, and Matt Cutts; and well-known bloggers like Robert Scoble and Gina Trapani.

Google+ Statistics creator Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten explains the CEO’s unlikely popularity thus, “He has the most friends in the world, they made a movie about him, and he is more handsome than the Larry and Sergey.” [TechCrunch]

Ha ha, he just called his bosses ugly. (I have awesome reading comprehension.)  Below we have a screenshot of the most followed users on Google+ (Zuckerberg being number one) as well as an EXCLUSIVE sneak preview of what’s to come: