Meme Watch: The iPhone Whale

If you haven’t spent much time on Reddit lately, you may have missed out on the explosion of “iPhone whale” related pictures there since SweetAlmighty posted the picture above in r/funny two days ago with the title “Life of a Whale Biologist.” The concept is simple: if you have an iPhone you can receive a text message formatted to look like a whale. Silly, stupid, and effective. The picture garnered over 32,000 upvotes and nearly 30,000 downvotes, as the ensuing onslaught of whale jokes in r/funny and r/pics left enough redditors butthurt that they started systematically downvoting all whale posts, regardless of quality. We, however, still found some of them funny, and have collected some of our favorites (as well as five original photoshops) here:


Thanks to Matt Ufford for the original version of “Whale Wars”.


CONTEXT: full South Park episode