‘Mad Men’ Minus January Jones Is As Glorious As You’d Imagine It Would Be

You know how you love Mad Men but just about every scene with January Jones/Betty Draper can be a grueling ordeal to get through? As long as I’ve watched the show I’ve found myself thinking the solution would be to either keep her half clothed (a la X-Men: First Class, which didn’t satisfy some people who know a thing or two about leaving people dissatisfied) or just writing her in less and less (a la last season). Well, new comedy site Jest (that uses a video player remarkably similar to College Humor’s) has taken this idea to a whole new level with their new Mad Men DVD Extras original. They’ve just shopped her out altogether!

I’m still trying to decide if I like the idea of casting no one in her place or Don’s first wife just being a figment of his imagination better, but I do know I can quickly rattle off a list of characters I’d like to see received the same treatment ASAP:

  • Boardwalk Empire’s Margaret Schroeder
  • Sons of Anarchy’s Tara Knowles
  • Dexter’s Debra Morgan
  • Game of Thrones’ Catelyn Stark

I could go on for a while. I guess this either means wives and sisters are written super annoyingly in TV dramas or I’m a raging closeted sexist. Since I like all the females in my favorite comedies I’m going to go with the former. Enjoy the Betty Draper-lessness after the jump…


Jest via Vulture