‘The Walken Dead’ Is ‘The Walking Dead’ Parody The Internet Deserves

Successfully parodying The Walking Dead is harder than it sounds. Just last week I tried to photoshop hipsters in for zombies in show photo stills for a piece I wanted to call “The Walking Dead Before It Was Cool” (or something like that) and it sadly, frustratingly didn’t play. Alas, we’ll always have zombie kill GIFs.

Brooklyn comedy group POYKPAC has delightfully succeeded where I’ve failed, winning the internet Walking Dead parody sweepstakes with the above amazing video, The Walken Dead. Punnerific title, zombie Chris Walken impersonations, high end production value, this thing hits on all cylinders. It released late Friday and I didn’t get a chance to watch it until this morning (you know, busy being awesome), but I’m glad I saved it for after last night’s season 2 premiere because I think I appreciated it even more.

“It’s from The Rundown, get your sh*t together.”