Herman Cain Was Destined To Get The Bad Lip Reading Treatment

When the guy who does those Bad Lip Reading videos took the presidential campaign announcements of Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry and dubbed them over with random stuff a deaf person or someone watching with the sound off might think they were saying, it was funny because Perry and Bachmann are both prone to saying utterly ridiculous things that make no sense to anyone else. Thus, the total jibberish coming out of their mouths in the videos actually wasn’t too much of a stretch and made for good comedy.

So I’d been waiting for Herman Cain to get the Bad Lip Reading treatment, and apparently it finally happened over the weekend, though I didn’t realize it until last night. I found one line particularly funny in the wake of Cain’s sexual harassment scandal: “Yes I’m rolling in it — I could probably freak on you.” Oh really, Herman? See, I doubt I would have found that as funny pre-sex scandal.

So watch this. It’s funny because Herman Cain says crazy things! “I’m gonna leave a dime for you to eat at White Castle.” Couldn’t you totally hear Herman Cain saying that to the whiny poor folks out there?