Kelly Brook Verified Her Twitter Account Better Than You

Model, Metal Hurlant Chronicles star and Billy Zane ex-girlfriend Kelly Brook is most definitely on Twitter, in case you were wondering.

Reports the Daily Mail:

Like so many other celebrities, Kelly Brook found herself being questioned yesterday over whether her Twitter account was the real deal, or an imposter.

So, the easiest way to prove the naysayers wrong is of course to post a self portrait to said account.

Kelly Brook, 31, did one better today, by posing provocatively for her snap scantily-clad in her bathroom.

Come to think of it, posting topless photos of oneself is definitely the most effective way for an attractive female celebrity to verify a Twitter account. In fact, we here at UPROXX encourage all attractive female celebrities to follow Kelly Brook’s lead when they join Twitter. We’re specifically looking at you, Mila Kunis.