Facebook Fail-Log: The Year In Review

It’s been a year of learning of us here at UPROXX. Namely, we learned that Facebook is where people go to be agonizingly awful and inappropriate in public.

Seriously, I’ve been writing the Fail-Log for a solid year and there isn’t a month that goes by that I’m not horrified by what I find. It’s a bit like watching a bad comedy where all the Americans are loud, beer-drinking idiots, except that it’s real.

Here are the ten images I found that traumatized me the most.

Ahahahahaha…oh God, he just admitted he’d bone a dead person.

But somehow, some way, this guy is light years creepier. “And then, I’ll lock you in a cell, and cut off your feet, so you’ll NEVER LEAVE ME.”

Yes, this was about the East Coast earthquake. At least for once this one was Facebook’s fault.

Hey, look, it’s why we make fun of juggaloes, condensed into one simple jpeg.

The one win we’ll feature, but it’s depressing because we guarantee you she didn’t get it.

Guess which hole my vomit is coming from?

George Takei is an oasis in the cesspool of stupidity that Facebook can be, but come on, dude, a Zac Efron joke?


Well, to be fair, they look almost exactly alike.

It’s less romantic when the court makes you do it.

Happy New Year to all, and may your Facebooks be free of idiocy, and may the Zynga spam never escape to your inbox.