Bruno Mars’ New Single ’24K Magic’ Is Everything We Could Ever Ask For

Following the wild success of a little song you may have heard of entitled “Uptown Funk,” Bruno Mars is finally back releasing new beats. On Thursday night, the 30-year-old powerhouse dropped the title track and accompanying music video off his upcoming album 24K Magic. Mars has been heavily teasing this new single on social media after announcing Monday night that the album, in full, has been completed.

Though we’re forced to wait until Nov. 18 for the entire album to drop, “24K Magic” encompasses everything fans could ask for from a Bruno Mars song and will certainly help tide us all over in the meantime.

With a disco funk sound reminiscent of the one featured in “Uptown Funk,” “24K Magic” possesses a similar upbeat, feel good vibe that’s unique in mainstream music, seemingly stemming from a different era. The video for the track is also full of classic Marsisms including laid back group choreo, a funky wardrobe and a dynamic backdrop, namely, a casino in Las Vegas. As Mars himself put it in a post to Instagram, “You can call [“24K Magic”] my first single, but I call it the invitation to the party.”

24K Magic will be Mars’ third studio album since the 2012 release of Unorthodox Jukebox. Including the newly released single, it will feature nine songs in total and hopefully a bunch more music videos. While we’ll have to wait and see what else Bruno Mars has in store with this impending album, with a slew of Grammy’s and iconic Super Bowl halftime performances under his belt, we can all be rightfully optimistic.