Oh Boy — Dane Cook Told An Awful Aurora, Colorado Joke Last Night

Stand-up comedian Dane Cook, perhaps best known for his portrayal of the Waffler in Mystery Men 13 years ago (also, that whole Louie guest appearance thing), performed a set at the Los Angeles-based comedy club the Laugh Factory last night and, according to the Daily Caller, told a joke about the recent shootings in Aurora, Colorado. And, just like the one from Playboy model Tricia Evans, it was TERRIBLE.

“So I heard that the guy came into the theater about 25 minutes into the movie,” Cook said, “And I don’t know if you’ve seen the movie, but the movie is pretty much a piece of crap. Yea, spoiler alert.”

“I know that if none of that would have happened, pretty sure that somebody in that theater, about 25 minutes in, realizing it was a piece of crap, was probably like ‘ugh fucking shoot me,’” Cook said.

His comments were met with groans that morphed into loud laughter and cheers. (Via)

This is basically the same groan-worthy joke that Evans — not to mention literally thousands of other idiots on Twitter — have made in the week since that guy whose name we won’t mention became infamous for being an evil human being. Let me repeat: Dane Cook, professional comedian, is going around telling the same terrible joke a Playboy model made on Twitter.

People, if you’re going to joke about a tragedy — make it funny. Also, The Dark Knight Rises wasn’t a “piece of crap,” unlike a certain stand-up comedian.

(Via) (Pic via Shutterstock)