The 20 Best Answers From PSY’s Reddit AMA

If you haven’t been introduced to the unstoppable earworm that is PSY’s “Gangnam Style”, welcome back from the coma. Good to have you back.

This K-pop phenomenon — currently #2 on the Billboard Hot 100 — has inspired numerous parodies and mashups and led to massive crowds of fans. PSY even recently performed the “Gangnam Style” dance with Hugh Jackman while they both wore Wolverine claws. (That was a perfectly normal sentence.)

PSY has responded to this sudden stateside popularity by stopping by Reddit to answer some questions. Our 20 favorite threads from PSY’s Reddit AMA are collected below, including .gif reactions and relevant media. Thanks to The Daily What for the banner picture.

FahCough: Why were you so mad at that girl’s ass?
PSY_Oppa: because her ass was so mad

Deadly_Lust: How many asses have you screamed at since the start of your singing?
PSY_Oppa: lots of ass questions. it is embarrassing to admit but this was my very first time

tijuanacarwash: I am doing a report on Korean for a linguistics class. Do you find Korean to be difficult to rap in?
PSY_Oppa: not at all because i’m korean!
in the same way, it’s kind of hard to eat scrambled eggs for breakfast.
almestra: What’s your favourite thing to eat for breakfast?
PSY_Oppa: korean food
youngchul: Or as we koreans call it, food.

ao6238: How do you always manage to keep such a straight face when dancing?
PSY_Oppa: because i’m serious about my dancing

andrewleetzor: Who is your inspiration ?
PSY_Oppa: freddie mercury

metalheart_: Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck, or a hundred duck-sized horses?
PSY_Oppa: hundred duck sized horses!
BladeWalker: Obviously. He would just lead all of them in the Gangnam Style dance and in so doing become their god.
IAmAHorseSizedDuck: ಠ_ಠ

indiggnantuser: If you could collaborate on a song with any one artist/band, who would that artist be?
PSY_Oppa: i love so many but if i had to choose one justin bieber
ryangiglio: WHAT NOW, REDDIT?!?!




(Several of the other reactions are also worth a read.)

PizzaBoxJM: The lady who owns the pizza place next door is korean and she doesn’t believe me when I tell her you’re suddenly super popular in the states. That being said… Will you sign my tits?
PSY_Oppa: where are you?
adnerbbb: I hope he finds OP and screams at her tits after signing them.

jreacher: Can I come and hang out with you in Seoul?
PSY_Oppa: call me maybe

drodenbach: Psy, what’s something that people don’t know about you that you wish they did?
PSY_Oppa: i compose all my music myself

terets: How many times did it take to do the elevator portion of your video in Gangnam Style?
PSY_Oppa: that was ad libbed. nong chul is the name of the elevator guy and he is very famous comedian in korea. that is a very popular dirty move he has been doing for 6 years and i asked him to do it in my video. if i am underneath, it would be dirtier!
we only did 2-3 takes and everyone on the video set was crying from laughing. definitely my favorite scene in the video.
Nong_Chul: PSY – Gangnam Style – Elevator Dance – 10 hours


Salacious: How was meeting Ban Ki-Moon?
PSY_Oppa: it showed momentum of my life. much higher excitement than being #2 at billboard!!

Makah_Behr: Do you have a favorite Gangnam Style “spoof” video?
PSY_Oppa: ohio university marching band

OrlandoFurioso: Is Gangnam style intended to be a social critique, or is it just supposed to be fun?
PSY_Oppa: GS is not a critique, just FUN!
scott1990: That is the sound of thousands of redditors crying out in rage.

Kreamcheez: Who is one celebrity you want to meet that you haven’t already?
PSY_Oppa: tom cruise
(The best part of this is that dozens of Redditors then replied to this with just the words “Tom Cruise”.)

EointheGUY: Hello PSY. My question is, what part of the “American Lifestyle” seemed the most strange to you when you first came here? BTW my mom is South Korean.
PSY_Oppa: not taking off shoes indoors

GregorJLS: what is your favourite song you’ve made, besides Gangnam Style?
PSY_Oppa: find the song called “it’s art” at youtube
jargoon: Link (with subtitles) for the lazy and/or non-Korean

Axxcess: What are you dressing up as for halloween? Does South Korea have halloween?
PSY_Oppa: i heard my costume is costume of the year so this halloween i gotta dress more classy, as classy as possible.
ryan seacrest suggested i dress up as taylor swift for halloween!
there is no halloween in south korea.
EthanStrong: No Halloween? That sounds like the plot to a Disney TV movie in the making. A band of kids deliver the Halloween spirit to PSY.
Tom_Bombadillo: You have no idea how much I would watch this movie regardless of its quality.

faithful_sta11ion: Did you ever get bored doing the gangnam-style dance?
PSY_Oppa: there’s no time to be bored. i’m so busy doing the horse dance…
elvesandems: Inspirational quote of the decade. Here you go reddit: