Homer Backs Into Things Is The GIF Theme We Need Right Now

Over the last week several enterprising Tumblr blogs have been taking to creating new backgrounds for the classic Homer backs away moment from S5’s “Homer Loves Flanders” episode of The Simpsons (hat tip to Kurp and his Rain Man-esque ability to name any Simpsons episode off a single animated GIF, not to mention using The Simpsons to teach us about politics). The exercise feels extremely apropos for these politically charged times — and today in particular — as I think we’re all experiencing interactions we want to back away and magically disappear from on an hourly basis.

In the world I want to live in we each have our own version that best represents what we like to slink away into. That’s why Homer backs into pizza gets top billing, because we can all find refuge in pizza. Several variations of the original (next) to follow. Spoiler: Most are food related. If someone wants to use the template to create a hybrid Netflix Instant/craft beer one for me that would be swell.




