‘A Please Would Be Nice’: Enjoy This Lovely Collection Of Quote GIFs From Tarantino Films

In FilmDrunk’s review of Django Unchained, the “best movie of the year,” Vince wrote, “It’s messy and silly and funny and strange, in much the same way I imagine Quentin Tarantino’s mind. It might be his masterpiece.” It’s also wonderfully quotable, just from Leonardo DiCaprio’s Southern slave owner Calvin J. Candie (Land) and Samuel L. Jackson’s villainous Uncle Tom characters alone. It’s great. Sorry, Anne.

At this point, whenever a Tarantino movie comes out, we should except to hear lines from it recited back to us for months — he’s the best when it comes to writing dialogue that begs to be repeated, yet never feels like a forced catchphrase. With that in mind, we’ve put together a collection of Tarantino’s best quote GIFs, from movies that he both wrote and directed (sorry, True Romance). We also went with one quote per character, otherwise this would turn into nothing but Mr. Pink GIFs, not that there’s anything wrong with that. NSFW, obviously.














