George Clooney’s ‘Ball Ironing’ Is The New Craze That’s Taking Over Hollywood

If you thought that “manscaping” was a strange male grooming habit that had taken the nation’s bros and dudes by storm in recent years, hold on to your marble pouches and banana hammocks. Thanks to George Clooney’s so-called jokes, a new fad called “ball-ironing” is now becoming a hot trend among Hollywood’s aspiring leading men, and if you can’t guess what that phrase means based on the name alone, then you’re sure in for a treat.

According to the Daily Mail, men are now visiting cosmetic experts for a process that uses lasers to remove hairs from a man’s testicles while smoothing out the natural wrinkles.

Cosmetic expert Nurse Jamie told MailOnline that she added ‘Tighten the Tackle’ to the list of services at her Santa Monica spa, Beauty Park, last year, and it has been a raving success.

Delicately describing the $575 non-surgical treatment, the blonde beautician says it involves using lasers to remove hair, erase wrinkles and correct discoloration on the scrotum.

She continues: ‘They thought the Brazilian bikini wax was crazy ten years ago and now it’s just part of the process . . the tide is turning – don’t knock it until you try it.

‘Down there the skin ages, it’s a thinner skin like that around the eyes.’

Men are paying anywhere between $575 and $900 to have their testicles smoothed out with a laser beam. I mean, people have always joked about it, but I guess that James Bond really was ahead of his time.

Call me old-fashioned, but I’m just worried about the kind side effects that such a process could have. Sure, it was funny when South Park joked about it, but this tattoo isn’t nearly as funny if it’s Clooney.

(Banner via Debby Wong /