Watch Tom Hiddleston Teach Cookie Monster About Delayed Gratification

If he hadn’t already won everyone’s hearts with his impromptu rendition of “Bear Necessities” at the D23 Expo in Anaheim last month, actor Tom Hiddleston picked up the remaining few today after PBS posted this video of him with Cookie Monster. The man who has made a villain like Loki one of the most popular characters in the Marvel movie universe sat down with Sesame Street’s greatest glutton to teach him an important lesson about “delayed gratification,” and you can go ahead and insert any generic sex joke here, because I’ve already thought of them all.

But the purpose of this clip was to teach us that if we want something that someone else has and exercise patience and self-control, we can always end up getting whatever we want.

*closes eyes, counts to 10, opens eyes*

Nope, no Kate Upton. Thanks for nothing, Tom.

And here’s the most important GIF that I will make this year.