Cats Wearing Tights Have The Most Stylish Meowtfits

That poor unfortunate soul seen above is Gucci, a cat from Sweden who has unwittingly been recruited for a single-serving Tumblr called Meowtfit Of The Day. The site only posts pictures of cats wearing tights. Remember that meme from China about dogs wearing pantyhose? This is like that, but instead of being confused, the subject of these photos is simply lethargic because cats ain’t care.

We’ve collected our favorite pictures of Gucci the cat below (via Neatorama). The other cats of the house, Iggy and Zappa, aren’t participating, as they prefer bow ties to these “meowtfits”. And even though “meowtfit” is a play on “outfit”, we’d like to think the cat is saying, “Get meowt of this.”

Check out the rest over at Meowtfit Of The Day. Or don’t and pretend this never happened.