Thinking About Going To Toronto? Spirit Airlines Has A Rob Ford-Inspired Deal For You!

I would bet good money that if you polled Americans a few months ago 99 out of 100 would not have been able to name the mayor of Toronto. I consider myself a pretty well-informed dude — one who consumes way too much media on a daily basis — and I had no idea who he was. That, however, is no longer the case. Far from it. Noted non-p*ssy eater Rob Ford is our new overlord. We are all powerless against him. Might as well just join him and light up some crack.

And now, thanks to the fine folks at Spirit Airlines, we can all travel to Toronto cheaply to hang with our new overlord. The screenshot above was delivered in an email. If you visit Spirit’s website you’ll be treated to smoke blowing out of Ford’s nose.

God bless America. And Canada too.

(Via Evan Shuster)