Alamo Drafthouse And Siri Have Teamed Up To Ruin Your Social Life And Thwart Texting In Movies

The fine folks at Alamo Drafthouse have continued their campaign to stop texting during films by hiring the voice of Siri, Susan Bennett,  to record a PSA that will run before the movie Her,  clearly a showing of robotic solidarity.

The PSA depicts a future where Siri is no longer the morally vague helper we know and love today. Instead she has become a nagging buzzkill bent on ruining your social life.

Trying to text into a movie involves A) asking Siri for permission and B) threats of reputation destruction from a self aware AI inside your phone. There’s no need for Skynet when we have Siri running the show. From Film School Rejects:

The new ad marks an uneasy truce in the current war between factual female-voiced artificially intelligent phone technology and fictional female-voiced artificially intelligent phone technology…Alamo Drafthouse has decided upon Her for its latest “Drafthouse Recommends” film (which is more or less exactly what it sounds like), and will screen the Siri clip before each showing of Her.

(Via Alamo Drafthouse / Film School Rejects)