Ian McKellen, Andy Serkis, And Martin Freeman Play A Hobbit Edition Of ‘F–k, Marry, Kill’

Vulture tipped us to this MTV “After Hours” segment that will replace the Nic Cage-alicious ‘Hobbit’ poster as the weirdest Hobbit-related thing we’ve seen this week. In the clip below, Josh Horowitz interviews Ian McKellen, Andy Serkis, and Martin Freeman to ask them the question surely on everyone’s mind: F–k, Marry, Kill? In this case, the triads in question were characters from The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings, and the actors were asked to chose which ones to marry, kill, or take on an unexpected journey. *wink wink nudge nudge*

The interview turned into a glorious collection of quotes which could be taken out of context, such as the bluntly stated, “I’d f–k an unnamed orc.” Plus there was a tender moment when Ian McKellen realized he’d have to kill a pitiable character. My personal favorite, however, was this not-a-single-f***-was-given-that-day quote from Martin Freeman: “Kill Gollum, because out of the three he is the biggest twat. Which should mean I should be f–king him, but no, I’m killing him. Is this going out?”