5 Games You Want This Week (Mar. 2nd – 8th): Farts And Zombies

Consoles, PCs, handhelds, Facebook, smartphones — the world of gaming is becoming increasingly confusing and fragmented, but don’t worry, we’re here to simplify things for you. Each week I’ll rattle off five games I think you might want to check out this week. Keep in mind, these articles aren’t meant to be comprehensive lists of everything coming out that week so much as a nice rounded tasting menu. So, let’s get to it…

This Week’s Puzzle Game

Blok Drop U (Wii U, Mar. 6th)

Blok Drop U may sound like a completely generic puzzler, but it’s actually fairly clever. A small block sits atop a pile of other blocks, and it’s your job to manipulate and topple the tower in such a way that the top block falls onto a platform below. Simple stuff, but it looks like it could have addictive qualities.

This Week’s Shooter

Tower of Guns (PC, Mar. 4th)

Tower of Guns asks the question — what if classic 2D bullet hell shooters got mashed up with first-person 3D shooters? The answer appears to be, “a lot of crazy fun”.

This Week’s Slice of Scandinavian Bleakness

Year Walk (PC & Mac, Mar. 6th)

Critically acclaimed mobile game Year Walk hits computers this week. The game involves going on a “year walk”, a Scandinavian tradition in which people fast and stay in the dark for a day, then experience visions. The game is “first-person” but the world is made of 2D layers — you can move left to right on a layer, or move forward to go to a new layer. Dark, mysterious and haunting, Year Walk definitely ain’t Flappy Bird.

This Week’s Zombie Game

The Walking Dead: Season Two – A House Divided (PC, Xbox 360 & PS3, Mar. 4th)

The next episode of The Walking Dead: Season Two is finally here, and it should bring plenty of new heart wrenching decisions, and opportunities for Clementine to be a hammer wielding badass.

Pick of the Week

South Park: The Stick of Truth (PC, Xbox 360 & PS3, Mar. 4th)

Yes, after numerous delays South Park: The Stick of Truth is finally done and you’ll be able to play it this Tuesday. The episodes of the TV show that have tied into the game have been top notch, but will the game itself be good? Considering it’s being developed by Obsidian, the guys being Fallout: New Vegas, chances seem solid we may finally have a decent South Park game on our hands.

Any games you’re itching to get your hands on that I failed to mention? Hit the comments and let the world know.