Sony Has Announced A Virtual Reality Headset For The PS4 Called 'Project Morpheus'


The PS4 and Xbox One may pack plenty of hardware power, but this generation of consoles has been a bit lacking in true innovation. Well, Sony’s looking to change that, as they’ve just announced a virtual reality headset for the PS4 called Project Morpheus.

The headset seems similar to the PC’s Oculus Rift, except it looks much slicker, works seamlessly with the PS4 and move controllers and will probably come at more reasonable price point. While there are no videos of the headset in action yet, apparently versions of God of War, EVE Valkyrie and Thief are available for video game industry types to play at the Game Developers Conference. Here’s a look at the headset’s technical specs…

Screen: 5-inch, 1080p, 1000Hz LCD panel

Field of view: 90 degrees

Full head tracking

3D audio support

Experience can be mirrored on the TV for asymmetric gameplay

Supports forward prediction

On-board headphone jacks

No weight paced on nose or cheeks


Is this something I’ll be buying and using every day? Probably not — my crappy eyes and tendency towards motion sickness probably won’t allow it, but that said, I give points to Sony for trying to push the gaming experience forward. How about you folks? Does Project Morpheus increase your interest in the PS4?

via CVG