‘It’s Gettin’ Real In The Whole Foods Parking Lot’

Remember a couple of weeks ago when a New Orleans bounce artist named Mr. Ghetto took the Internet by storm with an ode to the ample-bottomed sistas of Walmart? The video above is like the official white people response to that, and it’s simply hilarious.

Yes, this Fogs and Smog rap about a trip to a Whole Foods in West Los Angeles — produced, written and performed by David Whitman — absolutely made my day, perhaps even more than the inevitable post-Lebron meltdown Hitler video did.

I have to say, I take a tremendous amount of pride in saying that I can relate greatly to both videos — I shop at the Walmart in Mr. Ghetto’s vid occasionally, and I have been know to drop $80 on six items at Whole Foods, just like the David Whitman raps about doing in the Whole Foods video. So f*ck yeah me — ain’t I diverse?!

Is this a new meme trend we’re seeing here — raps about big box retail outlets? What’s next, a rap about going to Home Depot? Not that I really care, as long as they continue to be funny.

(HT: Lisanti)