IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: UPROXX Is Teaming Up With 5-Second Films To Create UPROXX Video

[blows trumpet] [can not play trumpet] [just kind of slobbers on trumpet for a while]

BIG NEWS, PEOPLE. UPROXX and 5-Second Films have joined forces to create UPROXX Video. It’s like the Voltron of dick jokes in here now. Be prepared.

The specifics: Beginning Monday, February 11, the diabolical weirdos at 5-Second Films will be producing full-length sketches and comedy thingies (industry term) that you will be able to find on and our fancy UPROXX Video Youtube page. It’s no secret that we’ve been huge fans of theirs for a while now (Exhibit A and Exhibit B), so we really couldn’t be more pleased by this. It’s fantastic for us and fantastic for them, but most importantly, it should be fantastic for you.

And as an added bonus, we’ve got a very cool promo video they put together about the whole thing, which features sketch teases, some good jokes, our old pal Jon Worley mugging for the camera and shouting us out, and a bunch of cussing. If the promo is any indication of what we can all look forward to, this should work out juuuuuuuuuuust fine.

(NOTE: YouTube’s annotations are being a pain in the neck right now, so the links within the video may not work. There are links in the post. You can figure it out.)