Will Smith, DJ Jazzy Jeff, And Alfonso Ribiero Reunited To Do The ‘Carlton Dance’

The gimmick of Will Smith rapping The Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme should have long since worn off. Not only because he’s done it so many times, but because he’s now the kind of guy who turns down playing a “supporting” character in Django Unchained for a leading role in an M. Night Shyamalan movie. And yet every time he does it, it’s a delight, even when his wiener son Jaden, and his Eraserhead hairdo, is around.

Last night on The Graham Norton Show, Smith was joined by DJ Jazzy Jeff and Alfonso “Carlton” Ribiero to perform “The Fresh Prince” and the infamous “Carlton Dance,” set to the sweet sounds of the Sugarhill Gang’s “Apache (Jump On It).” Please take note of Heather Graham in the background, still dancing like she’s on roller skates.

(Via Pajiba)