You Won’t Believe This Model’s Terrifying Transformation Into A ‘Real Life’ Marge Simpson

I never thought I wanted to see a real life character from The Simpsons, especially Marge Simpson, but no one truly cares what I think. Russian photographer Alexander Kholov, make-up artist Veronica Ershova, and hair stylist Mikhail Kravchenko teamed up to bring this terrifying creation to life as part of Kholov’s Art Of The Face series and managed to turn this model into a real life cartoon character. From Laughing Squid:

Marge Simpson is a cult cartoon character in the present world. We love Marge, that’s why we decided to make her alive using the skills of make-up, hairstyle, floristics and photography. It was important to pay attention to the details of original image. Veronica Ershova, the make-up artist, painted the model face and the stylist Mikhail Kravchenko created the huge hair – the calling card of Marge’s image. We wanted to make unusual hairstyle and Mikhail used real chrysanthemums painted in blue and special frame. With the real flowers we achieved necessary volume and texture.

I don’t care what anyone says, I’ll be having nightmares for weeks. The final, completed makeup job is below and is only rivaled in terror by the creativity involved. Bravo, folks, for ruining my night with your wild creative insights.

(Via Alexander Khokhlov)