Samuel L. Jackson Performed An Epic 'Boy Meets World' Slam Poem On 'The Tonight Show'

Sam Jackson stopped by The Tonight Show to lay out a slam poem inspired by the 90s TGIF staple Boy Meets World. The results were spectacular. Danger is probably losing his mind at an Arby’s right now.

Jackson manages to tell the story of Cory and Topanga in a way that makes seven seasons of sugary sweet television seem like the greatest romance of all time. And damn if he doesn’t nail Feeny’s final speech to a tee!

It sort of makes you wonder how Girl Meets World can ever hope to stack up to the greatness that was the saga of Cory Matthews. Or maybe that’s just nostalgia infecting my mind and forcing me to think things I’ve never felt before. I thought I always hated Boy Meets World. Where am I?

(Via The Tonight Show)