Meme Watch: Chemistry Cat’s Word Is His Bond

Chemistry Cat is a studious fellow who makes chemistry-related puns.  Sometimes it’s the simple things that are the best.  Although the photo has been around awhile (It’s made appearances over at GammaSquad and has been my Disqus avatar for ages), it wasn’t until recently that Buzzfeed, the Cheezburger Network, and others hit upon adding puns to it.  It was super effective.
Some of the best Chemistry Cat macros are on the next pages along with thirteen of our own creations based on old chemistry jokes. Yes, I know chemistry jokes. And apothecary conversions.  I was so popular in school you guys.




(Joke by Drew.)








(Joke via BoingBoing.)



(Joke via Cheezburger Network.)



(Joke via Cheezburger Network.)