Obama Goes On Twitter Rampage, Loses Over 36,000 Followers

Um, all that praise we heaped on the Obama administration for their effective use of the web and social media — we take it all back.

It started Friday morning when Obama, during a live address from the White House Diplomatic Reception Room about the debt ceiling deadlock, urged the public to call, e-mail and “tweet” their Congressional representatives to urge a compromise plan. It marked what is likely the first-ever Twitter call-out by a sitting president … A short time later, Obama’s official 2012 campaign Twitter account announced to its 9.4 million followers that it would begin publishing the Twitter account names of House Republicans. Over the course of the day, @BarackObama sent out around 100 tweets.

Not everyone was enamored. The account stood at 9.366 million followers by 6 p.m., a loss of more than 30,000 followers.

Whatever happened to, oh, I don’t know — maybe posting a list on the White House website and then tweet out a couple of links to it? Someone should be fired for this…

Unfollowed. Barack Obama is the worst presidential tweeter of all-time. Who’da thunk it?