William Shatner Slams Star Wars

You know, just yesterday I was hoping that I’d run across a reason to post this photo of William Shatner in which he looks like he’s, well, shat himself. I posted it on the UPROXX Facebook page — which you should totally “like” btw, I mean DUH — yesterday and then this morning ran across this video that’s floating around the web in which the bloated old Hollywood legend goes off on why Star Trek is so much better than Star Wars in an interview with his daughter Lisabeth.

Star Trek had relationships and conflict among the relationships and stories that involved humanity and philosophical questions…Star Wars was special effects, was ILM [Industrial Light & Magic, the visual-effects company] at its best…God knows what those actors looked like in reality with all those special effects. There’s no telling what ILM did for those faces and hairdos. They may have walked around with nothing on…So Star Wars has nothing to stand on. There’s a resurgence of Star Trek … that supersedes Star Wars on every level.”


And to think Shatner didn’t even bring up the fact that a staggering as$hole like George Lucas makes Gene Roddenberry look like Nerd Christ in comparison. The full interview with the increasingly Buddha-esque in appearance Shatner is below.