Even More Set Photos of Spider-Man

This is not one of them.

Last week we nerded out over some set photos of a stuntman in the Spider-Man suit and a confirmation from Emma Stone that Spidey’s web shooters would be a mechanical invention like in the original comics.  Now MTV posted some new photos showing the mask and the web shooters up close.  Granted, it appears to be the costume used for stunt work and not the one for closeups.

All those pictures are on the next pages, and they’re kind of silly-looking.  I’m pretty sure I saw a guy wearing the same one-piece (including the running shoes) at a triathlon.  I was not at the triathlon to participate, for bloggers get all their aerobic exercise from yelling at their monitors and typing snide remarks with a quickness. Fan boy whining isn’t just a hobby; it’s a lifestyle.  Yeah, son, you know how we do.  See this new tattoo on my stomach?  It says “Blog Life”.  It’s henna ’cause things change so fast, you know; it’s like all about impermanence and deep like that ‘n’ sh*t.  Also, needles are mad scary, yo.

OMG, he’s battling The Alpacanator!  EXCLUSIVE!  EXCLUSIVE!  TOLDJA!

Er, okay, the real set photos are on the next page.

[Pictures via LATFH, Buzzfeed, and MTV]